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Ghost Ship of Katze Plains (part 2): 46-60/100


` = internal monologue

" = external dialogue

"" = magical dialogue (messsage)

""Ainz-sama, I found a crab.""


As Ainz heard those words, an image of a bright red crab appeared in his mind. Yggdrasil had crab-shaped monsters, but...

""Is it a moonlit night? Or maybe near the sea or beach?""

""No sorry, it's just plains""

I didn't know what he was apologizing for, but the fact that Crab was on the plains was more important. Perhaps Ainz simply didn't know about how crab ecosystems worked. However, even in Yggdrasil they only appeared near places of water like swamps and oceans. I don't remember them ever appearing on land. 

No, Ainz shook his head inwardly. The crabs are from the Elder Lich's perspective, so there is no guarantee they are actually crabs. The Skeletal Dragon is a good example. Although it bears the name of a dragon, it only resembles a dragon in shape, and is not something actually born from a dragon... at least I don't think so.

'But, why a crab? No, it must be an undead or monster that has a crab-like shape.'

""Wait a minute.""

Ainz looked at his notepad and desperately tried to remember the shape of the item he had given to the Elder Lich. It seems that Ainz's memories were correct, as the scene was reflected in the remote viewing mirror. The view was from above shows the Elder Lich flying in the sky. 


Seeing the shape of the monster below, I forgot to act and muttered...


After blinking his eyes several times, it doesn't seem to be an illusion, as its appearance didn't disappear or change. The image of a crab that Ainz knew appeared on the screen, a fairly large one at that, much larger than a human. 

It might even be bigger than Hamsuke. Its thin legs support and lift its large body. There was no sign of any rotting or change in appearance like a zombie, but Ainz is a veteran undead and his gut feeling told him the crab was indeed undead.

If this was a summoned monster, I'd understand, but why would there be a sea creature so far inland? Ainz shook head... I once heard that there were crabs in the river. Is there a possibility that there is a river nearby and that the animal may have wandered off?

While Ainz was thinking, the crab began walking slowly. 

'What should I do? Ainz was confused by this unexpected development.'

The fact that he was not forced to calm down suggests that it wasn't bad. It's true that if he was shocked by seeing a crab, but it doesn't make him mentally fragile. Anyways, once the shock wore off, my desire to collect rare items started to grow.

""Now that I think of it... do they seem intelligent?""

After the Elder Lich called out to the crab, it stopped and started moving again. It seems like it recognized the Elder Lich above him, but made no attempt to do anything about it. Is this because they were unintelligent or didn't they not view the Elder Lich as a threat?

That paragraph was super confusing in Japanese, but I think I got the main concept down.

It seems like both options are possible, which is troubling.  Either way, it is rare, so I certainly want it, but when I consider the pros and cons... it's a tough call. To control unintelligent undead, one would have to use <Undead Domination>. 

If they were a human, you could win them over with dandy, if it were an animal you could discipline them with a whip, but that doesn't work here. 

It would be fine if they were allowed to roam free and used to repel intruders, but for Ainz who has territories, uncontrolled unintelligent undead are a bit of a problem. 

""Go after that crab and look for any rivers, lakes, or oceans.""

With that, Ainz canceled <Message>.

So if there were no rivers, oceans, or lakes, then where did the undead really come from? Certainly in a world with magic, the common sense of the original world can't be relied upon. However...

'Well, it's not surprising that there are crabs that travel on land. In fact, it seems like its quite normal for such creatures to exist.` It seems likely that such a crab wandered into this land, died, and became undead. When you think about it that way, everything makes sense.

But... Crabs? Mayber there used to be a lake here, but it dried up? Maybe this fog comes from that water? Maybe... a... ghost ship...

After that, I used <Message> to update the Elder Liches. Just as Ainz's memories began to fade, he finally heard the words he had been longing for.

""Ainz-sama, I have discovered the ship you are looking for, it is sailing along the land.""

That's what he wanted, but why is that? Ainz's anticipation is small, but perhaps his emotional restraints are at work. 

""Well, before I congratulate you for discovering it, let me ask you a stupid question. It's a really stupid question. I know it would be easier if I saw it with my own eyes, but... is it really in the shape of a ship that floats on water?""

""That's right""

""... I see. Ah, I don't know...""

""I was prepared it existed, but speaking of floating ships... it's true,. It flies in the sky, so I can say the rumors are true. ""

Ainz used magic to transfer from the tower with Nabe. 

Ainz has mixed feelings looking upon the ship that floats on land. It really was a ghost ship. Everything was in tatters, there were holes in the hull and many places where planks had been turned up. It was very large, but due to its dilapidated condition it looked more like a pile of scrap wood. If you put it in water, it would probably sink a moment later. 

There were three masts, with tattered sails on them. The ram, that appeared to have been attached later had a slightly rounded tip.  Wasn't that actually meant to be used for ramming attack? Shouldn't it be sharp or did Ainz just imagine it? Personally, I think the sharper one sounds better.

The ship's speed was not very fast. The oars hanging from the ship stirred up the mist, and the boat floated about one meter above the ground and continued sailing. 


Even when looking at it in person, there is no sign of it being an illusion. It was a bit disappointing. What he had been expecting was a ship that flew as if cutting through the air, with some incomprehensible rumbling sound, something that even Ainz had never heard of.

"It's not a ship, but due to its size and shape, it can only be called a ship for convenience."

While observing it, its true identity is that of an abandoned ship, so it was mysterious. People are surprised by the unexpected, so they find them interesting, but this was too absurd.

"Huh? Why is that?"

I'm confused because I don't understand the purpose. In Ainz's opinion, rumors of a ship sailing on land were enough to get him interested, but the fact that its true identity was a ghost ship floating slight above the ground was strange.

It feels like watching a movie that builds up anticipation in the introduction, but then has a completely unexpected twist. 

'I can't tell if it's an undead ship because of the fog, but is that ship an undead? A magical item? a golem? Or is it just a rundown ship with something a little odd? Seriously, how is it even floating?

There was also a ghost ship in Yggdrasil, but the only reason the dilapidated ship was floating on the surface of the sea was because of the boss's ability. Once defeated it would sink instantly. If it were the same, you wouldn't be able to kill the boss. 

 On the other hand, if the owner of the ship is an undead, then if you can gain control of it, you will be able to take possession of the ship. 

However, if the ship floating due to an ability, why wouldn't they use a new ship? Since E-Rantel is inland, it doesn't have any large ships, but we could have the Empire build a ship for us and then buy it from them... I think that's enough for now.

After releasing his magic, he turned back into Ainz. He used gate to bring Hamsuke. Just to be on the safe side, the Elder Lich has been stationed around the tower, so Hamsuke's safety should be maintained for the time being.

"Ainz-sama, I seen it before, but is that really the way it looks?"

"Yeah, its weird to say, but its just a ghost ship. In fact, since it is just a ghost ship, that means no one is probably watching. Even if their are crew members, it would be foolish for them to cancel the spell midway through and tell them about Momon and Ainz's relationship. As far as anyone knows, Momon and Hamsuke are waiting in the tower, and Nabe is a hostage. This would be a good enough excuse."

That was the reason why he had removed his Momon form, but one more thing. With the enemy's war potential unknown, he chose Momon instead of Ainz. He couldn't he magic, because it would be careful to use fire. It might not be a problem if I was alone, but Narberal is next to me.

To be honest, everything from when Ainz teleported to here extremely confused me. I struggled here a lot with the grammar and some words I didn't really understand. I'm also not completely sure if he left hamsuke at the tower or brough her. I'm guessing he brought her, but the wording is odd. 

In the worst case, he could leave Hamsuke, but I wanted to avoid leaving Narberal even if I didn't have a choice.  One option might be to go back to Nazarick and bring Pandora's Actor as Momon, but I didn't see any point in going to that much trouble. 

Now that I'm thinking about it, I never tried to negotiate with a wild undead, or should I say natural undead? It would be nice if there was some kind of friendship bonus when talking to other undead, but I doubt that is the case.

Ainz stared at the target, how should we attack? How much damage could it take from magic? Since we don't really know why it is floating, it would be best to avoid sinking the ship, or any attacks that would render it unsailable. In other words, area of effects that could damage the ship should not be used.

However, the biggest problem of all was... how to seize the ship. If it were just a ship, the best thing to do would be to take control by threatening the crew, but if the ship is being piloted by an undead, that could be quite difficult. This is because negotiations and threats are meaningless against unintelligent undead such as skeletons. 

Even in the case of intelligent undead, fear and other such effects are ineffective, so the benefits must be conveyed. Of course, the promise of not being destroyed would be a big plus.

"Well then, Nabe. Let's go to the ship and get more information."

"I'm honored."

There will probably be no one watching, so calling her Narberal shouldn't be a problem, but I thought it might be better to call her Nabe. 


It would be funny, if the ship was just stuck on the back of a giant crab, but due to the fog no one ever seen the crab, so everyone assumed it was a floating floating ghost ship. (this isn't the case, I just think it would be funny.)

Using this, the two approach the ship from above. It looked nothing less than a ghost ship. There was no sign of anyone on the deck. Where is the helmsan? There are room-like raised areas at the front and back of the deck, are these the wheelhouse? 

Suddenly, a group of skeleton appeared at the front of the ship. They were unarmored and clutched crossbows. With movements that were more agile than normal skeletons, they formed up into formation and aimed their cross bows at Ainz's group.

No, the target probably isn't Ainz who is undead, but Narberal who is living. 

"Nabe, use me as a shield, I have no objects."

A shot is fired from the crossbow. It was a pretty accurate aim, but two of the missed. The rest of the attacks were deflected by Ainz's body.  

'So ​​it's not a magic weapon?'

Ainz has a magic item that grants him immunity against non-magical projectiles. Its effect cannot harm Ainz's body. Of course, even if it was magical, Ainz has immunity to piercing damage, so he wouldn't be harmed.

The skeletons prepared for the second shot. I'm not scared no matter how many times I get hit. 

'So, what will we do? Those skeletons probably came out because they sensed Narberal, but the mystery remains. Who sensed Narberal?'

Nothing but skeletons can be seen on the ship. 

'Is the commander hiding and sending out skeletons as sacrificial pawns to gauge our strength?'

"...Well, okay,"

Let me show you some of my fighting abilities. The second shot flew towards Ainz and once again, it was deflected just before it could hit him. It was a shot just like the one before. 

'If you want to analyze the battle power, it would be better to use a different arrow than before, so is that not possible? Or are you unable to give detailed instructions?;

"Nabe, let's go down to the deck."

They did seem stronger than normal skeletons, but its still within margin of error. While the skeletons prepared to fire their third shot, Ainz already gripped his crude staff, as they descended to the center of the ship.

The decks of the ghost ship were quite dilapidated and the wood creaked loudly under Ainz's weight. The reason there was no sound from Narberal, who landed immediately behind him, was not because she was light, but because she was still maintaining her <fly> spell and floating gently.

In any case, there was no sign of a hole being created in the deck ever under Ainz's weight. One could say that it was sturdier than it looked, but Ainz knew that this was not the case. Until now, Ainz wasn't able to sense the undead since the fog was getting in the way. However, it's clear that they are so close or rather that they were in contact with each other...

The ship is undead.

'I see. So that's how you sensed Narberal.'

The ship itself is an undead individual. It is still unknown what relationship the skeletons have with the ship, whether they coexist, enemies, or subordinates to the ship.

'Ah, maybe I don't need to think too much about figuring it out. This is just one undead in an areas with lots of undead and comparing it to Yggdrasil might be a mistake. I still wonder though... why is it a ghost ship?'

Even so, if it's such a huge undead, how high is its level? It might have a ridiculously large amount of power. Although, in the case with Overlords like Ainz, size doesn't not directly equate to level. However, it is also true that larger monsters are usually a higher level and have more hp.

The skeletons aimed their crossbows at Ainz and the others.


With that one word, Narberal hid behind ainz and the third shot was fired. It is just repeating the same thing as before. No, this time I got closer and not a single ball missed, but the result was the same. The skeletons started reloading their crossbows against, it's a very unintelligent act.

I could tell after their second shot. Since we were in the air, they probably didn't have any other way of attacking, so they probably repeated the attack hoping it would be more effective closer. However, now they should have stopped using the ineffective crossbow and gone after him instead.

It would appear the orders haven't changed. This could mean the ship is under control? If the skeleton was under the command of someone who was watching this situation, he would not have acted this way. In that case, we could assume they are unable to see the situation.

If that's the case, the attack will change when the skeletons lose? The ship wasn't moving when the skeletons came onto the deck, but I'm sure the oars were moving.

Ainz stepped forward and swung the staff he held in his hand. It is true the staff Ainz wielded was specialized for close-quarters combat, but his opponent was still a skeleton after all. They were fragile, so every time he swung the staff they shattered.  The skeletons were clearly pointing their crossbows at Ainz, but he ignored them and just like before the arrows were ineffective.

The skeletons finally stopped firing when Ainz destroyed the last one.

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"What's wrong, guys?"

The door opens with a loud bang. When I looked, I saw an undead creature appeared from the stern of the ship. They held a scimitar in one hand and worn a tricorn hat. He also wore a plain heavy coat and pants. At first place he appears to be the captain of a pirate ship, but inside he is a typical undead.

"Elder Lich?"

However, normal Elder Liches are magic casters. The Lich in front of me looks like a light warrior considering the equipment. If we were to judge it based on the equipment alone, this would be rare.

"You! What have you done to my wife's subordinates!"

The Elder Lich roared as it saw the remains of the skeletons lying on the deck. It may be true that he was angry, but as an undead being, his emotions couldn't be called rage. 


The Elder Lich's gaze was fixed on Narberal from the start and completely ignored Ainz, who killed the skeletons. The reason became clear from what they said next.

"They're a living being. Just looking at their face, I can feel something string inside me. Is that what they call hatred."

Perhaps the Elder Lich was feeling something they never experienced before. They probably never left this place. Ainz didn't know how to reply. Is there any merit in destorying the undead? Is there any benefit in reducing the number of undead? Or rather, what is the relationship between the Ghost Ship and the Elder Lich?

Normally one would think that he was the Captain and steering the ship, but since the ship itself was undead, it was possible that it was moving automatically. However, its their wife? Is it because a wife is skilled in controlling undead? Is that why they didn't attack right away?


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