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Ghost Ship of Katze Plains (part 2): 14-25/100

Originally, or rather, the technique he used in the royal capital, was a technique in which he swung his sword with all his might, then used the centrifugal force to spin around and return to the original position. Although I call it a technique, in reality, it wasn't a technique at all. in the first place, it was just a result of him accidentally losing his balance during a fight and the momentum resulted in an acrobatic movement. 

It was a technique that would not be surprising if he was scolded for swinging his sword in a way that would throw him off balance. However, if he didn't prepare at least one martial art, there might come a time when he wouldn't be able to hide it, so he trained dozens of times to master the technique.

To be honest, it doesn't work that well, but when it does it's a pretty cool move. That's it. It's just a spinning slash, and there's no doubt that it would be stronger if you just put your hips in and slashed with all your might instead of doing that. However, by adding a meaningless movement, it has a special effect, at least onlookers might think that is the case.

.... is that a strange name?

Ainz was aware that he didn't have a good sense for naming things, so he didn't pick the name that first came into his head, which was Merry Go Attack. It doesn't seem to be much different from the last one, but hey it's only the second name that came to mind. 

While mulling over such things, Ainz stepped further forward. The next opponent was right next to him, so he couldn't afford to spend too much time on this guy. A slightly larger Skeletal Dragon, like the one he previously killed, charged towards him. Two against one would be fine, but I had already given instructions before that. The moment the Skeletal Dragon stretched its neck out to bite, Narberal fell from the sky and struck it hard on the head with a longsword she was holding.

The head of the Skeletal Dragon received a huge blow and was slammed into the ground with great force. Only the head and neck were lying on the ground, as Skeletal Dragon had a unnatural body structure as an undead without skin, flesh or tendons. It's probably because he's a little Skeletal Dragon, but it's a bit anime-like and makes me laugh.

"I was ordered to wait. Is that okay?"

"Ah, perfect. It seems my intention was conveyed properly. I'm sorry, I will just kill this one quickly. I need you to buy us some time until then."

Narberal would have no problem winning, but if a Magic Caster were to defeat a Skeletal Dragon with just a sword, it would be too conspicuous. It would be the limit of what would be acceptable. Also, if it seemed that the warrior Momon had left the role of a Tank entirely to the Magic Caster Nabe, it would raise doubts about his abilities as a warrior. Who's role is meant to be a shield for the Magic Caster on the front lines.

Thinking about this vaguely, Ainz stepped further. When he turned his gaze away from Narberal, who was showing an attitude of respect, the Skeletal Dragon he had been fighting earlier was trying to sweep him away with its claws from the side. At exactly the same time, he dodged, took a step forward, and struck it with his sword. 

It was still troublesome to defeat with just a sword. It would be quicker to control one and make them fight each other, but doing that would arouse suspicion. The opponent is an undead being whose only thoughts are to kill living beings.

Without even thinking about running away, it stretched out its neck towards Ainz, ready to rip him to pieces. Like a batter, Ainz takes a half-body stance, and draws his sword, acting taking a big step forward he delivers a full sideways blow. 

The sight of the white skull being blown away, was like a parody of baseball. This time, Ainz hit it with the flat of his sword. Skeletons, such as Ainz are completely resistant to piercing attacks, but are very weak to bludgeoning attacks.

I hadn't done anything like that up until now because I had plenty of time, but I had to defeat him quickly, so I can help Narberal. It's strange to think that the arrival of a partner makes you feel less relaxed. 

"The fun is over.", I said this to the adventurers in a loud voice.

Ainz doesn't think this is a game, but I thought it might be better to say so. It seemed more typical of an Adamantite-class Adventurer, so that's the reason. However, after he said it, Ainz regretted it. Just because we're saying that playing around is over doesn't mean that our attack methods will change. 

It would be different if there was something obvious like a sword bursting into flames, but all Ainz could do was simply punch, so...

'This is the only options', [Perfect Warrior] 

After Ainz active his spell, he stepped in being careful not to use all of his strength. With his ability values now similar to a level 100 Warrior, he approached at twice the speed before. Even after adjusting for speed, the assault occurred in less than a second, giving the Skeletal Dragon no time to react.

He twisted his legs, hips, torso, and chest in perfect unison, the beheading was carried out in a flash. Without even a glance at the falling Dragon Skull, Ainz turned on his heal and began walking slowly towards Narberal. 

NArberal followed orders, focusing on defense, and skillfully handling the attacks. He should have hurried, but the reason he didn't, wasn't because he was confident in Narberal's strength, but because he thought it would be more fitting for the hero Momon to walk with confidence.

"One hit"

I had forgotten, so I said it loud enough for the adventurers to hear. The purpose of declaring that it was done on purpose is to prevent any suspicion that he has suddenly become stronger. I would be happy if people thought that I was finally getting serious or just using martial arts techniques. At worst, it will probably be seen as accumulated damage. 

If I have any regrets, it's that I should have declared it earlier. The reason I couldn't do that was because I wasn't confident that I could really kill him with one hit. It would be extremely embarrassing if you declared it and then couldn't do it. 

'Even so... power harassment, huh?' (tn: showing off?)

I wouldn't want to do this to the people of Nazarick, but I don't particularly mind if it's adventurers I don't even know... suddenly, the faces of the Dwarves and Bareare Family came to mind. 

'I guess it's not good to do that to subordinates of Nazarick either...'

Then my thoughts started wandering to things that were not important at the moment.

"Nabe. I'm glad you had to deal with this guy. I'll take over."

"Yes, Momon.... -san"

If you think about it logically, instead of telling Narberal something like that, I should have just attacked the Skeletal Dragon from the side. However, just as Ainz has shown, he needs to show the comporsure of an Adamantite-class Adventurer. 

As Narberal tries to retreat, the Skeletal Dragon attempts to attack. However, he is already using [Perfect Warrior]. As a result, the Skeletal Dragon's movements are too slow for Ainz, who has become a level 100 Warrior. He stepped forward and aimed his sword at the outstretched neck. The head snapped off with ease and the rest of the body fell to the ground. 

A cry of "Oh!" was heard from the adventurers.

There were no screams of excitement when I defeated the first Skeletal Dragon, so it would seem declarations are important after all. Ainz then turned his gaze to the last of the Skeletal Dragons, whom Hamsuke was facing.

Hamsuke pushed forward unilaterally, but the ground conditions were different. Hamsuke was swinging his tail like a whip, steadily damaging it. You could see the Skeletal Dragon's whole body was covered in tiny cracks and was on the verge of crumbling. There was no need for Ainz to go and provide support.

'It's not even worth the EXP... ah...'

Ainz was surprised at himself for thinking such a gamer thought. Like how much experience points he would gain from Hamsuke based on the Skeletal Dragon's level and his assumed level. However much easier would it be to level up with experience points like in a game?

Generally, Ainz's thoughts were bound by Yggdrasil concepts of levels, but it is possible that the creatures of this world, such as Hamsuke and Lizardmen Zaryusu, are not structured according to a level system-like mechanic.

'Well, I guess it might be, since the Magic System is proof of that.'

These kinds of experiments with combat training are being conducted with the lizardmen. Power leveling is possible only because friendly fire exists. The experiment involves having participants earn experiment points by defeating the undead Pop Monsters in Nazarick. Then checking whether it is possible to calculate experience points based on the number of undead defeated. 

It would be a failure if there was no abnormal improvement in abilities. In the case of leveling up, there should be improvements in physical abilities. It would be meaning less if there was a level limit, but since there were comments that those who were resurrected, such as Zaryusu had become weaker in their movements, there is something similar to losing levels caused by resurrection magic. From the experiments with Hamsuke, she is now able to wear armor and has a warrior class. It seems that she is benefiting from the leveling system. 

'I don't really understand...'

Basically, Ainz believes that since New Worlders become weaker after resurrection, it means they lost levels. This should mean they can gain them, which his tests with Hamsuke proves. However, he just isn't sure exactly how it works or how similar it is to Yggdrasil. It is basically the same situation we are in as readers. We know people can level up, but the exact mechanics are unknown. 

While Ainz was thinking about how to strengthen Nazarick in the future, the Skeletal Dragon's head was blown off by Hamsuke, who then gave Ainz a fist pump. 

"Thank you for your head work Hamsuke."

"Haha, all done."

A huge hamster comes running towards Ainz on two legs. Ainz thinks that since it's an animal it should run on all fours, but he doesn't say anything. Rather, he thought that it is amazing that it can stand and support its own weight on just its tow hind legs. In fact, I feel like I've seen that kind of behavior more frequently since she started training as a warrior. If Hamsuke were to study a profession like monk, would she be able to use those legs to perform kicking techniques?

That being said, Hamsuke is a magical beast. Since they are not like ordinary beasts, they can do far more things. 

"Now is everyone safe?"

Ainz asked the adventurers who were just standing there. The warrior-like man stepped forward, who seemed to be the representative. 

"Thank you for your help. I apologize if I'm mistaken, but aren't you Momon the Dark Hero, renowned as an Adamantite-class adventurer?"

Despite his wild appearance, he speaks in a very polite manner. He may be dressed like an adventurer, but deep down a serious man. This was a common story. It is common for adventurers to camouflage themselves in this way, so as to not be looked down upon by clients, rivals, or fellow professionals. The same goes for dying your head. Ainz often had contacts with adventurers, so he was well acquainted with their inner workings. 

Gringham (IIRC) the Worker was like this. He would swich to formal speech when addressing nobles or other party leaders. He believed it would gain him more favor. 

"Oh, it seems you know. That's right, I'm Momon and over there is my companion Nabe. There of course is my beast mount Hamsuke."

"I'm Hamsuke.".

Hamsuke bowed deeply, and Nabe bowed slightly without saying anything. It wasn't even deep enough to be a nod. She only moved her head a little, but just enough to notice. Which caused Ainz to groan, compared to Hamsuke giving a polite greeting, she had a far way to go. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Antowari, and this is..."

Ainz listened thoughtfully as Antowari introduced his companions one by one. He then went on to explain how they had come to such a place. I was a little curious about the fact that he was a worker and not an adventurer, but there was nothing he said that made him want to ask questions.  Now that they are done, it's our turn.

"I see, we came to investigate a ship sailing on land, at the request Albedo the Prime Minster of the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"Is that the Ghost Shi9p of Katze Plains? I've heard of it before, but isn't it just a rumor?"

A Magical Spell caster cut in from the side, Antowari glared at Envario with a sharp stare. 

"Hey, sorry Momon for causing you trouble by having to help us."

"Ah, don't worry about it. Although there is a difference between a worker and an adventurer, we are both people with similar occupations, so in a sense we are friends. Besides, were are in the unknown, why don't we forget about our status and talk casually?"

"Is Momon-sama commands it, we have no objections."

For Ainz, Antowari gets one point for being an excellent salaryman, since he likes polite people.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry. I don't know much about etiquette. Well, I'll have to reply om Momon. Does the Sorcerer Kingdom have some special information? Like where it appeared? 

"No, unfortunately, I couldn't get any special information from the Prime Minister. I think they want to confirm the rumors first. After all, this land is considered the territory of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Or maybe she wants to let people know that it can be used to confirm the truth of such idle rumors..."

"I know I'm an old man, but don't you think the Prime Minister has a different goal in mind?"

"Maybe there is, but since I was given a proper request, I have no choice but to accept it as an Adventurer. By the way, I don't want any gratitude in return for the help I gave you, but I would like to ask everyone who arrived here before me. When you hear the word "Ship" does anything come to mind?"

They shake their heads from side to side. Unfortunately, it isn't like game event, where the people you help have special information that allows you to easily reach your destination.

Ainz has been in gamer mode during this side story.

"I see, we are thinking of going to the next tower, but what are you guys going to do?"

The group looked at each other... 

"I guess we should head home.", Antowari says quietly.

This was not directed at Ainz, but was a request for his comrade's approval. 

"No Objection."

"That's right, It is better to take the safe road. I don't know how far the people who were buried there went, but if we're in a situation where three Skeletal Dragons appeared at the same time, the knowledge we have up to now will be useless."

"It's a pity we can't bury the undead, but as Bunas said, it can't be helped. We also need to warn the people in the Free City of Vadais. In the broadest sense, we work together to destroy the undead."

Their decision was good for Ainz, so I don't have any objections, but there is one thing I need to check.

"I've researched this area, but I don't know much about it. I know this is embarrassing to ask, but can you tell me about it? Is the presence of the Skeletal Dragon really that much of a threat? If you had taken your time, you could have definitely defeated it. Despite that, you are still retreating?"

I wasn't able to properly assess their strength, so I don't know if they could actually defeat them. However, the reason I said that was because I wanted to know how strong they were. Working backward from here, we can determine their strength.

"I see, thank you for valuing us so highly. I do believe we are able to defeat a Skeletal Dragon, but they only appear in the deepest regions. Furthermore, only one was ever confirmed. It would not be an exaggeration to say that finding three is very abnormal. 

Antowari took a breath as if to conclude his long explanation before continuing.

"Thinking about it like that, it appears something big has changed in the area. Therefore, we have decided that it is too dangerous to go any further at this time."


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