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Ghost Ship of Katze Plains (part 2) - 13/100

Is it okay, if I attack in a way that would damage the broken tower? 

As Momon, I have to wear my Armor, so I can't use area attacks or magic, so I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. Of course, it would be different if I used an item, but I had no intention of exposing my hand unnecessarily. Therefore, it would be best for Narberal not to participate in this battle until the very last moment.

(I wonder how many times Momon, an Adamantite-class adventurer, has helped people... Even though Momon isn't particularly friendly with Nazarick, helping people in small ways will never go to waste and will continue to be important in the future.)

The easiest way to get into the depths of Katze Plains is to travel through the broken tower. I never thought I'd encounter Skeletal Dragon at the top of the tower. Ainz tries to grasp the situation regarding the Skeletal Dragons and the group of people who appear to be adventurers. If you hit it sideways, you'll be in trouble.  

However, it seems that their ranks have collapsed, and I looks like they will be grateful if we kill the Skeletal Dragons.  Also, is the bear facing off against one of the little dragons a pet? 

"Thank you, thank you!"

Hamsuke walks over, making an embarrassing noise. The first thing they should do is destroy the two Skeletal Dragons blocking your escape route to the tower. Perhaps Hamsuke understood my feelings, or perhaps Hamsuke herself thought the same thing because she headed straight for me.

The Skeletal Dragon continued fighting with the bear, and the two Skeletal Dragons began to move. They probably came to target Hamsuke rather than the humans. It's a pincer attack. 

'Does it consider Hamsuke to be intimidating?'

If we consider the Skeletal Dragon alone, its level should be lower than Hamsuke's. If it were a beast, it would have run away, but an undead that knows no fear would not choose to run away. Or perhaps they simply cannot sense the difference in levels, or have no intelligence and therefore do not know how to retreat. 

The distance from the wall to the Skeletal Dragon near the broken tower, the furthest point was quite far, but with Hamsuke's strong legs it was still a long distance. 

"Not yet, sir?"

The Skeletal Dragon is right in front of you. However, Ainz could not swing his sword, he had never fought while mounted. His lack of experience makes it difficult to maintain distance. In particular, with monsters that attack with their dragon-like tails, it's difficult to judge distances because you can't see the tail from the front. Additionally, Hamsuke is big, so that makes it harder to judge distances as well.

How do normal warriors attack on horseback? Can I attack now? Or should we draw closer? With a weapon like a lance, you could charge straight in, but should I hold back a little longer? Maybe we should attract more attention? 

With a greatsword, I don't know what to do.  Would it be best to move past them and then attack when it gets closest? 


"Thank you!"

The tail, a mass of white bones as thick as a well hit Ainz hard in the chest. However, despite having his passive ability turned off, the pain was minimal.  With that momentum, Hamsuke scopped Ainz up and sent him flying into the air. Naturally, since it he had a magic item for <flight>, it would have been easier to control his position in air, but instead he just rolled onto the ground without using any force.

Then he suddenly stands up.  He considered whether he should act a little injured, but it wouldn't seem strange for the hero Momon to just stand up calmly. 

"That's difficult..."

Although he had undergone combat training with Cocytus, he had not yet mastered mounted combat. In the future, it will be necessary to receive training to respond to various such situations.  As Ainz pondered this, he lightly brushed off the dirt from his armor. It's probably all over his body, but I don't have the time to brush it all off. Doing something like that behind the scenes while the adventurers were fighting for their lives would undoubtedly attract criticism. 

"Hamsuke, I'll leave it to you. Gain experience."


Ignoring the reply, Ainz kept his head still and focused his eyes on the adventurers.

"I'll take down the remaining two myself."

"Are you okay with being a bystander to adventurers?"

"If you don't want me get in the way, I'll just watch from behind." (nabe)

I never thought that not being able to grab the timing of an attack would be a blessing in disguise. If he saves them from a life-threatening situation, he probably wouldn't be criticized for any rude actions like attacking from the side. But, if the opponent was an undead that he could have easily defeated, it wouldn't be surprising if he was criticized. 

"Is this possible?"

The obvious question was asked. They were adventurers I had never seen in the E-Rantel Adventurers Guild.  Unfortunately, it's possible that he doesn't know how strong Momon is. No, even if he had known, he had witnessed Momon being blown away by the Skeletal Dragon's Tail. It's only natural to feel unsure about Momon's abilities. 

He acts tough and powerful, taking the place of the adventurer as he stands in front of the Skeletal Dragon, giving the Skeletal Dragon the first move. I think I came too early, but it was just my imagination. We need to show a decent fight here to put their minds at ease. 

As he swatted away the approaching claws with his sword, Ainz caught a glimpse of the Skeletal Dragon fighting another bear. The bear is in bad shape and doesn't look like it can fight for long. 

(Can't we defeat it before it gets here? No, unfortunately, we can't defeat it with just our strength)

With his free hand, Ainz pointed to the Skeletal Dragon fighting the bear, gives a thumbs up, and slashes him from top to bottom. As long as the signal gets across, it's fine.  There is no probably because we won't lose even if the message isn't conveyed.

Ainz turned his gaze back to the person in front of him. Just as it was about to stop attacking, the claws came closing in. Ainz snorts, for Ainz, who had received some training and was accustomed to using a sword, it was easy to deflect the attacks of the Skeletal Dragon's claws.

In reality, there is no need to take a defensive action in the first place.  This is because Ainz can nullify all physical attacks below level 60.  With a few exceptions, it can be said that there is no point in defending against attacks of lower levels. However, there are witnesses and appearing in a way that is too inhuman may arouse suspicion. 

'Well, it went well last time, but I wonder how it will turn out this? Okay, let's try some martial arts.'

Ainz activates Advanced Physical Nullification III and turns his back. Then he spins and delivers a centrifugal blow to the Skeletal Dragon. To put it bluntly, with this distance and timing, doing a full spin in front of the enemy is just insane.  No matter how you look at it, the enemies attack will hit first and your accuracy will drop significantly. 

So he activates his passive, just incase it fails and the enemies attack hits first. Ainz doesn't flicn, and he thinks, this was a defensive martial art combined with an offensive martial art, at least the aim is to make people believe that.

Then a centrifugal force collided with the Skeletal Dragon's tail knocking it back. Ainz was surprised, what luck! He didn't notice at all because he was facing away, but it seemed like that Skeletal Dragon also timed his attack with its tail.

Although it was a coincidence, it blocked his opponent's attack and he was shocked to see that his own attack had been successful. To an outsider, it must have looked like a brilliant interception of the approaching bone-like tail.

'That's right! If I did it on purpose, wouldn't it be considered cool and fitting for an adamantite-class adventurer?'

The Skeleton Dragon was pushed back by the powerful blow on its tail, causing it to stagger. 

'It may have been a little flashy, but if we consider this to be a martial art, it may not be a problem.'

Many adventurer's in E-Rantel had asked him many times about his Martial Arts. What kind of original martial art techniques does he possess?  That was why Momon the Adamantite-class adventurer of Darkness needed to create techniques that resembled martial art skills.  That's right, the martial art-like technique that he used against Demiurge when he was rampaging in Re-Estize...

"Secret Sword Wheel", Ainz muttered the name of the spinning slash he had just decided on in his mind.


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