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Ghost Ship of Katze Plains (part 2): 26-35/100

"I see..."

Their opinions were quite divided.

"Well, unfortunately, this is where we have to say goodbye, so let's see you off."

After saying that, Ainz thought, he had made a slight mistake. I said that in a hurry as I was eager to see them off and secure this place. There is no where they would be happy about being sent off in a rush.

'You're in the way, go home now.'

If these feelings were to become apparent, the hero Momon might be seen as an arrogant and selfish person who uses his status as an Adamantite-class adventurer to show his superiority. There is no need to be too sympathetic to their feelings, but he needs to avoid damaging his reputation as a hero.

'Human relationships are very troublesome.'

Suzuki Satoru, a working man who remains in the Ainz Ooal Gown company, was grumbling. A superior person might be able to ignore all of this and get by, but for someone like Suzuki Satoru whose abilities are below those of the average person, those are some important things. 

(he is talking about communication skills)

Despite Ainz's dilemma, Antowari did not appear particularly upset. However, things aren't always as they appear. Just because a salesman isn't smiling, doesn't mean he is smiling on the inside. While Ainz's skeletal face doesn't move, there is often a serious expression underneath his smile.

"You're right, maybe it would be best to leave early."

Antowari calls out to his friends. "Hey!"

"Speak to the people in the tower and prepare to leave immediately."

From then on they moved quickly. Within a few minutes, everyone was gathered in front of the tower with their luggage. 

"Momon-sama, thank you for this time. If you had not come, some people might have died. I will never forget this feeling for the rest of my life."

After Antowari said his thanks, everyone else joined in unison while bowing their heads.

"Thank you very much!"

They were so perfectly synchronized that I wondered if they practiced inside.

"No, thank you very much. I'm glad I could help you."

When Ainz replied, they smiled back. 

Ainz watched them leave from outside the tower, until they finally crossed the wall in the east and disappeared completely into the mist. He even strained his ears, but could no longer hear their footsteps.

He had never taken off his helmet during the entire exchange. The Other man had removed his helmet and any other headwear he was wearing. Perhaps Antowari didn't say anything because Momon was his benefactor or maybe they were dissatisfied but didn't say anything. However, there is no point worrying about questions that have no answers.

Ainz called out to Narberal, "Well, first let's go inside the tower and get some preparations done."

Who has been silent up to this point, but quickly moved onto the next phase. 


Ainz, Narberal, and Hamsuked all entered the tower together. The door was a little small for Hamsuke's large body to fit through, but she managed to squeeze through. Then Ainz closed the door and took one last look around the inside of the tower, which had become cramped thanks to Hamsuke.

While Ainz couldn't find any holes that would let light in from outside, he still felt uneasy about being alone. 

"As far as I can see, there are no holes that allow a view from outside. Narberal, is there anything about it that bothers you? Hamsuke can your nose or eyes detect anything? 

The two of them look around. They took some time to check behind Hamsuke and other places, but both said there was nothing there. 

"I see... Hamuke, you would be a great look out. Just be careful not to get spotted by the undead around here."

"Got it, sir!"

A cheerful Hamsuke, left Ainz and Narberal inside. After going outside perhaps out of exhilaration, I saw him stand up on his hind legs and roll his shoulders through the gap in the closed door. Ainz suppressed the urge to interject and sat down in a nearby wooden chair. It is a sturdy chair that can even support the weight of a fully plate suit of armor. You could even say it's stomach-friendly.

(I'm not sure what "stomach friendly" means. Stomach pains is often associated with anxiety in japan, so maybe they mean it is so sturdy you don't have to worry about falling back? Or maybe it means it leans back for your belly? IDK)

In truth, I would like to take action right away, but it would be better to wait until the group from earlier has gotten further away. That was why, even though no one was looking at him, Ainz did not return to his normal form, but instead maintained his Momon appearance. 

Narberal came close and asked in a hushed voice.

"Momon-san... is that okay?"

He didn't even need to ask what it is since he could predict what she was going to say.

"Will those people accept Momon's words and return to the city without hesitation?"

Narberal lowered her voice even further.

"Wouldn't it have been better to just kill him so there would be no lingering repercussions? If you give the order, I can do it right now."

"The impression of Momon as a warrior he gained from helping them, verse the information that would be leaked by overlooking them. After comparing the two, I decided that the former was the better option."

Even if there was an information leak due to an oversight, there would be no problem as long as it wasn't something so obvious that it would expose Ainz as Momon. However, spreading information that Momon had come here on a request from the Sorcerer Kingdom would strengthen his alibi, which was a good thing.

"Well then, Momon... what are you going to do now?"

"As planned, we'll have a few hours of free time."

With that said, Ainz turned on the light and took out a book and began to read. It is because those about you take the initiative to take time off that it becomes easier for those below you to take a break as well. The book he had chosen was forced on him due to Narberal's presence. It was extremely difficult for Ainz to understand.  As a result, nothing sinks in and I can't tell whether I'm reading or just looking at it.

As for Narberal, she just stared in my direction, silent, and motionless. I understand that there are differences, but the word that comes to mind is surveillance. However, Ainz did not feel confused or uneasy. Even ordinary maids have become accustomed to this. 

"Nabe... No, Narberal. Feel free to do as you like. By the way, do you have any hobbies?"

"Huh... hobbies?"

Narberal tilted her head slightly. 

"There is nothing in particular, but if I had to say, it would be chatting?"


Ainz felt it would be rude to show his surprise when talking about someone's hobbies. However, the image of Narberal being talkative is quite different.

"Who do you usually talk to?"

"It would be everyone in the Pleiades, regular maids, and Cocytus-sama."

"Is that so..."

Ainz felt a little curious as to what they were talking about, but before he could ask, Ainz quickly went quiet. I suddenly remembered that a colleague had told me that when the female employees of the company got together, they would go around in circles badmouthing their superiors.

Of course, no one would say anything bad about Ainz, but what about Sebas or Pestonya? What if hypothetically, even if I think it's unlikely, Narveral and the others were to say bad things about the two of them? Ainz instantly realized that this topic was a risky one, so he tried to lighten the mood by changing the subject a little.

"By the way, what kind of hobbies do other Pleiades have?"

"Sister Yuri does a lot of things, but I think she likes sewing the most. Solution likes music, I don't know if you would really call it music (human screams).  Shizu collects cute things, and Entoma likes eating delicious food. Lupusregina likes using people to collapse buildings."

(I don't really understand the lupus part.)

A couple of them had some pretty disgusting hobbies, but Narveral seems like a decent one to me. 

"I see... then why don't you come and chat with me for a while?"

Ainz closed the book and turned to Narberal who was flustered. 

"No, I can't disturb Ainz-sama's precious time, so I can go outside and talk with Hamsuke."

"Oh really? Well, you're welcome to do that."

Narberal ran outside as if fleeing. Ainz understood that feeling very well and nodded in his mind, as he watched Narveral leave. If your boss offered to take up your free time and pursue your hobbies, you would probably want to run away too.

Hobbies are fun because you can do them freely without having to worry about what your superiors think. It would be hell if your hobby became a part of your job. Now that he was alone, Ainz put the book in front of him down and took out another one. Without Narveral there would be no need to read books that are difficult to understand.

After finishing reading two books, Ainz stood up. It would be about the right time. When I opened the door, I saw Hamsuke and Narveral both sitting on the ground gazing at the sky. The sky is cloudy and shrouded in a thin mist. It probably isn't a pleasant thing to look at, but there must be something about it that stands out to them.

That said, Ainz only saw it for a moment, because as soon as the door opened, they both turned around.



I wouldn't say it looks cluttered or anything, but Ainz pretended to not know.

"Has anyone been seen in the area recently?"

"No, nothing happened. I once sent a summoned monster running the area, but they didn't see anything."

"That's right. I didn't sense anything using my ears or nose."

"I see. If that is what you two say, then there is no problem, so let's get started."

Ainz returned alone to the tower and his armor vanished turning him back to Ainz. He then used <Gate>. The connection leads to the surface part of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. The undead who had been waiting on the other side came out of the Gate in a single filed line.

They were Elder Liches created by Ainz. All ten of them lined up in front of Ainz, making the inside of the small tower quite cramped.


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